If you need immediate assistance in a classroom, call 865-974-9110 or go here to report a problem in a classroom.
Want information on the Google -> Microsoft transition?

Helpful Links:
Original Announcement: Transition to Microsoft 365 | Office of Innovative Technologies
Transition OIT Page: Transition to Microsoft | Office of Innovative Technologies
Feedback Form: https://tiny.utk.edu/google-feedback
Request to become an early adopter
Troubleshooting Guides

Are you teaching in one of these classrooms?
- Alumni Memorial Building 204A Cox Auditorium
- Art & Architecture 109 and 111
- Buehler 555
- Hodges Library Auditorium 101
- Mossman 102 and 202
- Nielsen Physics 415
- Stokely Management Center G2
- Strong 101 and B1
These rooms have a presentation recording system that will let you request to have each lecture automatically recorded by OIT or you can record when you need it by hitting one button.